Masa Bakti 2016-2019
Budi Prakosa

Tempat, tanggal lahir : Yogyakarta, 9 Januari 1957
Formal Education:
- Intermediate Technical School (STM), Majoring in Automotive Graduate 1975
- Institute of Sains & Technologi Akprind Yogyakarta, Graduate in Bachelor of Maintenance Industry 1979
- STIE-IPWIJA Majoring in Management 2000
Vocational Training Course Drilling / Workover:
- Certified Drilling School Held by Departement of Mine and Energy Dir.Gen of Oil & Gas / PAS MIGAS 1981-1982 paper in Rotary Drilling Hydraulic
- Certified in Oil and Gas Basic Drilling Technology Course Nov, 1985 – Dec 10, 1985 conducted by Oil and Gas Training Center Cepu
- Certified in Practical Well Control Dec 1982 Conducted by International Drilling School
- Certified in Technical Drilling for Tool Pusher 1987 conducted by in cooperation Manpower Dept. and Mine of Energy Dept and APMI
- Certified in Well Completion & Workover Operations, Conducted by in cooperation PT. Dharma Raksa & International Drilling School, April 15, 1988
- Certified Driller-Level in Specification of Technical Drilling Dir.Gen.Oil & Gas, in September 1988. Conducted by Training Center Migas Cepu
- Certified in Horizontal Technical & Ultra short Radius Radial Drilling System, conducted by in cooperation IWPL Migas and BPPL-APMI, 1992
- Certified Safety Precaution on Gas H2S Training 1998 conducted by Dir.Gen of Oil and Natural Gas (Migas)
- Certified in Safety Health and Environment for Contractor Management, Conducted by Acumen November 2001
- Certified in Under Balanced Operations and well Control conducted by Exxon Mobil 2002
- Certified in Safety Leader Ship Course, conducted by Exxon Mobil 2002
- Certified in IADC WellCAP of Supervisory Drilling Level-2004 conducted by Well Control School
- Certified of Assessor of Competency issued by BNSP/Indonesian Professional Certification Authority Reg .MET.000.001464. 2015
- Certified of Master Instructor issued by BNSP/Indonesian Professional Certification Authority Reg .ITM. 045 01058 2015
- Transformation of Knowledged & Technology of Offshore Platform Engineering, conducted by Trisakti University, March 1988
- Planning and Managing of Production/Operation conducted by IPPM, January 1993
- Import and Export Customs Law No. 10 Year 1995 Socialism and Implementation conducted by Dir.Gen Customs and Excise 26 March 1997
- Logistic Training Conducted by Dir.gen. Oil & Gas Dept.of Mine and Energy November 1999
- Indonesian International Oil, Gas and Energy Seminar 2000, the Implementing of No.27/C0000/2000-SO PERTAMINA as the Guidelines of Applying, Supplying of Goods/Services for Oil & Gas Industry in Indonesia
- Implementation & Policy and Procedure of Excise in Import and Export September 2001
- Workshop Socialism & Implementing in Controlling Policy Audit & Verification of Import & Operation Goods of Oil & Gas and Geothermal. Conducted in cooperation by Dir.Gen.Oil & Gas, Dir.Management Production Sharing PERTAMINA and Dir.Gen. Customs and Excise, May 2001
- Certification Competent of Safety and Working Health of Personnel in Globalization Era, July 2001
- Implementation of Company Certificate as TDR replacement in Procurement & Services in Oil and Gas and Electrical Sector June 2002. Conducted by Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Drilling Rig Instalation Inspection workshop October 2002 Conducted by Dir.Gen Oil and Gas Dept Of Mine and Energy
- Impact of Fiscal Policy in Oil and Gas Investment of Implementing Oil and Gas No.22 Law
- Geothermal Drilling Technology Workshop, October 26- 28th 2011
- Safety meeting “Implementasi Budaya kerja aman Pada Kegiatan Migas” 2012
- Rapat Kerja Nasional AMDAL, Juni 19-20, 2013
- Rapat Kerja Nasional Bidang Koordinator Asosiasi KADIN 2014
Working Experience:
- Roust About, Floor man, Pump man , 1982-1983 Rig-35 Jack-Up Zapata North Sea Inc. Location IIAPCO -Java Sea
- Alternate Driller 1983-1984 Rig-35 Jack-Up Zapata North Sea Inc. Location IIAPCO Java Sea
- Alternate Driller 1984-1985 Rig Swamp Barge Bintang Kalimantan PT. Daya Turangga Location Total Indonesie, East Kalimantan
- Training Instructor 1985-1986 in House Training for Upgrading of Oil and Gas Drilling knowledge and Equipment handling ,Arithmetic , Safety and held safety Meeting of the Drilling Personnel which working in Rig Swamp Barge Bintang Kalimantan, Tender Assisted Drilling Rig – Alligator and Rig I1 de Amsterdam-Jack-Up Drilling Rig for Total Indonesie, East Kalimantan
- Assist to Drilling Superintendent on operation and formalities Drillship Drilling Rig-Petrel for Inpex Ltd, Lhokseumawe offshore
- Driller Trainee 1986-1987 Heli Rig, IDECO ESH-1200 For Elf Aquitane Exploration Well in West Kalimantan. And Rig Swamp Barge Bintang Kalimantan for Total lndonesie. Mobilization/Re export of the Rig Swamp Barge Bintang Kalimantan to Nigeria and erecting with Heavy Cargo Ship
- Operation Staff 1988-1990 in Head Office Jakarta, Operations in Drilling and Rental Equipment and Marketing Inventory Heavy Equipment e Truck/Trailler,Crane, Excavator, Loader, Compactor, Generators, Reda Pumps operated by Petro mer Trend in KMT Field,Sorong
- Project Officer 1990-1991 Land Drilling Rig Rig National 110-M working for JOB-Pertamina – Stanvac Drilling for 2(two) Exploration Wells. Preparation and Mobilization N-110 M Drilling Rig from Jakarta- Pati Central Java by land. Drilling Operation and Support Services such as Drilling Crew ,Logistic , Drilling record and Reported Drilling Daily Operation, working with Company Representative, Local Government relationship and moving Rig from Pati to Purwodadi, Rig-Up and Rig Down Completing of the Drilling Crew , Inventory Drilling Equipments and Demobilization of Rig from Purwodadi to Kapuk Yard ,Jakarta
- 1992-1996, Assistant to and Acting of Drilling Manager to manage Rig- Cardwell KB 700 working For Petro Mer Trend- Salawati West Papua
- Prepare Master List/RIB for Rig Importation and Re exportation
- In Purchasing, Acting Drilling Manager While Away
- Complete formalities to obtain permit for Rig and Equipments
- Maintain Working Relationship with Migas, Drilling/Material Dept. Government
1997 – 2007 as Drilling Support Manager
- Assist to Drilling Operation and Conduct of HSE
- Assist with Marketing/Contract Dept.
- Complete all formalities to obtain permits for Rig and Equipment including Silo, Master list, Importation and Re export
- Maintain Import/Export and Customs Documentation file
- Manage all spare parts importation , including shipments status and reported to Area Manager
- Maintain Relationship with Migas/Government , Drilling, Material and Finance Dept. of Clients ie ; SFER/PetroChina, Gulf, Santos , Bali Energy(Geothermal), Humpus Patragas/Mobil Cepu Ltd, Exxon Mobil Inc.Ltd, JOB Pertamina- Talisman
- Check and review Client invoicing
- Assist with Client in Drilling operations FieldVisit
- 2007 – now Operations Director of PT Promosindo Midia Tenaga for Mud Logging Unit Services and Technical Support Services
- 2011 – now Director of PT. Datur Ensign- Business activity of Drilling of Oil, Gas , Geothermal and Coal Bed Methane
Others activity:
- As a Member of Team Work for Review of the Policy for Issuing Rig Operating Permit/SILO/SKPI Ref. SK Migas No. 02/ K/38.02/DMT 2002
- Indonesian Oil , Gas and Geothermal Drilling Contractors Association (APMI) as a Member of Business Development Division 2005-2005
- Indonesian Oil and Gas Drilling Contractors Association as a Human Resources Development Division 2005 – 2008
- Member of Technical Sub Committee Directorate General of Oil & Gas 75-01/ISO/TC67/SC4 Arrangement Indonesian National Standard for Drilling and Production Equipment
- Indonesian Oil, Gas and Geothermal Drilling Contractors Association of Certification Body as Head of Appraisal Committee 2008-2015
- Member of Revision of PUPOP BP-Migas Team-> PUPOPKU 2011-2012
- Facilitator of Rig Inspectors represent of APMI 2011-2016
- Member of Technical Assessment Committee of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Development Field Project of Ministry of Environmental represent of APMI
Budi Prakosa
Berty Poluan

Tempat, tanggal lahir : Manado, 29 Oktober 1947
IKIP Neg. Manado, Atmajaya English, IPOM Cepu, .dll.
Riwayat Karir:
- 1970-1975: Drilling Crew Santa Fe Drilling: Radio Operator & Crew Administrator
- 1975-1976: Conoco Indonesia: Natuna Base Camp Administrator
- 1976-1985: Phillips Petroleum Co. Indonesia: Logistics & Transportation Coordinator
- 1985-1992: Amoco Indonesia Petroleum Co.: Adm. Analyst & Logistics Coordinator
- 1992-1998: Union Texas Petroleum: Logistics & Material Formality
- 1998-2002.: Canadian Petroleum / Nexen Petroleum: Project Coordinator
- 2002- 2005: BUT. Kim Heng Marine & Oilfield Singapore: Oilfield: Area Manager
- 2005-Sekarang: PT. Trident Perkasa lnt’l: Majority Share Holder, Managing Director
Berty Poluan
Lukis Tamtomo

Tempat, tanggal lahir : Tulungagung, 30 Juni 1967
Warga Negara Indonesia, menyelesaikan pendidikan di jurusan Keselamatan dan kesehatan Kerja (K3), Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia. Saat ini, menjabat sebagai Qualitu, Safety, Health and Environment (QHSE) Manager PT. Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk sejak tahun 2015. Bergabung dengan Apexindo sejak tahun 2003 dengan terlibat langsung di kegiatan operasional, kemudian sejak tahun 2010 dipercaya menjabat di bidang Quality dan termasuk dalam tim inti yang dibentuk perusahaan dalam meraih sertifikasi ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001 di tahun 2011. Memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun di bidang pemboran migas dan 5 tahun di bidang kebijakan mutu.
Lukis Tamtomo
Firmansyah Arifin

- Naval & Marine Engineering Dept, UNHAS Year Of Graduation: 2003
- Field of study: Marine / Offshore Engineering
- Thesis: Case Study Production Process & Development On Offshore Industries (Case Sattelite Wellhead Platform Development)
Certificate / License
- Well Planning & Design, Compass Landmark, Geotech & Halliburton
- International Association of Drilling Contractor (IADC) of Drilling Supervisor Level
- International Well Control Forum (IWCF) of Drilling Supervisor Level
- International Asciciation of Drilling Contractor (IADC) of Fundamental Level
- T-BOSIET Sea Survival by OPITO Licensed
- SOS Offshore Medical First Aid Certificated
- AP 2 Ahli Pengendali Bor 2 (Drilling Supervisor for Offshore Rig) Migas Indonesia
- AP 3 Ahli Pengendali Bor 3 (Drilling Supervisor for Land Rig) Migas Indonesia
- JB 3 Juru bor 3 (Driller for Land Rig) Migas Indonesia
Professional Organization
- Society Of Petroleum Engineer, Member No. 3448610
- Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia, Member No. 09913
- Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia, PII No. 0904.52.029328
- Commitee DPP Indonesia National Shipowner Ascociation, INSA, Anggota Bidang Spesialis Offshore
- Asosiasi Perusahaan Pemboran Minyak, Gas dan Panas Bumi Indonesia, Majelis Penilai BS APMI
Major Drilling / Oil & Gas Job Experience
- Asst. Driller 2007
- Driller 2007 – 2009
- Top Drive Engineer / Superitendent 2009 – 2010
- Direct. Drilling Engineer / Superitendent 2010 – 2011
- Coring Enginer PDSI (On Call assignation) 2010 – 2011
- Fishing Engineer (Marketting & Planner Tool & Equipment assignation) 2010 – 2011
- Directional Drilling & H2S Asst. Manager 2012
- PDSI – PHE ONWJ, Offshore program (Jack Up Rig) 2011
- JO PDSI – AOS, Jack Up Rig Maint. & Refurbish in KEPPEL FELS Shipyard Singapore 2012
- Tool Pusher, Jack Up Rig KS Java Star, JO PDSI – AOS 2012 – 13
- Offshore Installtion Superitendent 2013 – 14
Familiar with Offshore aspects :- Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit / MODU (Floating Rig & Jack Up Rig) operation & maintenace.
- Offshore contract & drilling project.
- Offshore support vessel ; AHTS / Supply vessel.
- Advance Drilling services in offshore operation ; horizontal drilling, casing drilling level 1-3, downhole tech ; advance under reamer, well commander, manage pressure drilling (MPD), downhole depdloyment valve (DDV) for production, Casing driving system, rotary steerable etc.
- Sub sea job.
- Offshore QHSE
- Etc.
- Project Manager for Drilling Area VICO, PIRAIBA & TOMORI 2014 – 2015
- Project Manager for Drilling Area Kalimantan & Exxonmobil Project 2015 – Now
Special Assignment
- Tim Workshop Break through Project “Offshore Capability Building” Dit. Hulu Pertamina 2008
- Tim Portofolio Project Management & Evaluasi Kinerja, Dit. Hulu PT. Pertamina (Persero) 2012
- Service Quality Management PDSI – Drilling Departement Pertamina EP 2012
- Service Quality Management PDSI – Drilling Region Sumatera PEP 2012
- Tim Proyek Sea Horse – Akusisi Transocean, Dit. Hulu PT. Pertamina (Persero) 2011
- Delegasi PDSI dalam Forum Sharing Teknologi Hulu Pertamina 2011 2011
- Tim Proyek Edelweis – Akusisi PT. EPI, Dit. Hulu PT. Pertamina (Persero) 2012
- Tim Proyek Nibiru – Akusisi PT. Java Star, Dit. Hulu PT. Pertamina (Persero) 2012
- Tim Knowledge Management PDSI 2011
- Tim Kajian Drilling Area PDSI 2012
- Tim Kajian Rig Service & Workover 2011
- Jupen & Presenter PDSI di Pameran APOGCE 2012
- Jupen & Presenter PDSI di Pameran IPA 2012
- Jupen & Presenter PDSI di International Oil & Gas Exhibition, Riau 2011
- Tim Kerja Merger PDSI – Usayana 2011
- Team Factory Acceptance Test for Drilling Equipment (Jakarta & Singapore) 2011
- Team of Rig Inspection & Specification 2011
- Team of Inspection & valuation of Drilling Rig (Jakarta, Balikpapan & Malaysia) 2011
- Rig Auditor ISO 9001 ; 2008 & OHSAS 18001 ; 2007 2010 – Now
- Tim Kajian Rig Well Service / workover 2010
- Chairman (Ketua) Workshop Operasi PT. PDSI 2013 2013
- Delegasi PDSI dalam Forum Sharing Teknologi Hulu Pertamina 2013 2013
- Tim Komite Drilling Pertamina
Special Award
- Peserta Terbaik Junior Business Management Program (JBMP) Pertamina 2010
- The Best Paper & Presentation, Drilling Technology Forum 2014
- High Appreciation For Outstanding Performance, oleh VICO & Pertamina Drilling.
- Project Coordinator, Best Preparation & Spud In on Time. VICO
- GOLD Category, Pertamina Continous Improvement Program, CIP 2016.
Others Job Experience
- Teaching Assistant Of Ship Construction in UNHAS Naval / Marine Eng. Department 2002 – 2003
- Instructor Maxsurf software for Marine Design, Stability & Construction (part time) 2003 – 2005
- Keynote Speaker & Presenter on some seminar of Offshore Technology 2008 – now
Job Training Experience
- Trainee Engineer (OJT) at PT. GUF (Offshore Fabricators) 2003
- Trainee Engineer (OJT) at PT. Kodja Bahari (Second Largest Shipyard in Indonesia) 2003
- Member of Society Of Petroleum Engineer (SPE International) member no. 3448610
- Secretary General (Sekjen) of Serikat Pekerja PDSI
Firmansyah Arifin
Muryono Hadi

Tempat, tanggal lahir : Kudus, 18 April 1963
Pendidikan formal
Teknik Perminyakan Bachelor Engineering degree (BE) tahun 1986 di UPN
“Veteran” Yogyakarta, tahun 1988 melanjutkan ke S1 di Universitas yang sama.
Pendidikan Non formai/Pelatihan dibidang:
- Safety trainings (Fire control, First Aid, Sea Survival, Huet, Radioactive safety, awareness, Chemical Handling, Environmental Awareness, Hazard Communication, Defensive driving, etc)
- Radioactive Safety Officer, BAPETEN
- Cementing and Pumping
- Down Hole tools (DST and Completions)
- Coiled Tubing Unit and N2
- Stimulation and Fracturing
- Coiled Tubing Drilling
- Hidrolika Fluida Pemboran dan Workover
- IADC WellCap (Well Control Acreditation Program)
- Assessor, BNSP-Migas
- Basic Modul Geoscience
- Fishing for Driiling and Workover Operations
- Leadership Development Program
- Bussiness Leadership
- Reaching for the Start Performance Management
- Project Management dan Analisa Kelayakan
- Effective and Negotiation Skill
- Dll
Pengalaman kerja :
- Tahun 1986 kerja magang di Asamera South Sumatra Ltd., dibidang pemboran dan Workover.
- Tahun 1989-1995 bekerja di PT. Astha Cipta Rancana (Canadian Fracmaster) sebagai Field Engineer.
- Tahun 1995-2008 bekerja di Halliburton, sebagai Field Engineer, Service Supervisor, Operation Leader, jabatan terakhir sebagai Operation Coordiantor.
- Tahun 2008 sampai Sekarang bekerja di PT Elnusa Tbk. Jabatan yang pernah dipegang adalah Sebagai Operation Manager pada bidang Pumping and Cementing Services, Well Testing, Workover and Snubbing Services, Drilling Services, Coiled Tubing Services, Slickline Services, Marketing Spesialist dan di HRD (Operations Spesialist). Jabatan saat ini sebagai Bussinees Head (General Manager) Oilfield Services Group, Divisi Drilling and Oilfield Service.
- Tahun 2011 sampai Sekarang sebagai lnstruktur untuk Drilling, Well intervention, workover, Hidrolika pemboran, Well Control dll di Elnusa Petroleum School
- Tahun 2014 sampai sekarang Sebagai Asesor untuk BNSP dan PT. Elnusa
Muryono Hadi
Said Arifin

Riwayat Karir:
- 1989 – 1993, Manager Operasi Seismik, PT. Cahaya Putra Kencana
- 1993 – 1996, Manager Lapangan Drilling, PT. Cahaya Putra Kencana
- 1996 – 2005, Senior Technical, T.A.C Pertamina Basilam
- 2005 – 2009, Konsultan Drilling, T.A.C Pertamina Batu Mandi
- 2009 – sekarang, Direktur Utama PT. Artekno Bornusa dan PT. Air Tara Bekasi